Friday, October 24, 2008


So seeing as my lovely sister Miranda tagged me to do this thing, I guess I better do it.

I am: so hungry, but we're poor and can't afford to steal.
I want: to be so rich that I can do poo dollar everyday of the week.
I have: a dirty room
I dislike: having to sneak over the neighbors fence to retrieve our golf balls
I miss: Utah
I fear: my mother
I feel: like eating
I hear: Ellen Degeneres on tv
I smell: nothing
I crave: fries, just like my sister, we're addicted
I cry: just to let girls see, so we can have kisses
I usually: have a job, but now I don't.
I search: for knowledge and wisdom
I regret: leaving the toilet door open just so I can watch tv
I love: air freshners
I care: about everyone
I always: open the fridge, only to laugh at the thought of it having food
I worry: too much, all is well.
I am not: very rich
I remember: that all hard work pays off, at least it better.
I believe: that everything will be fine
I dance: whenever some song starts pumping through my veins
I sing: and then my voice cracks, and then I hide.
I don't always: have the kindest attitude
I argue: with no one
I write: in my journal
I win: connect four and at chess, get some.
I lose: fat
I wish: that I was so rich, I could laugh at people
I listen: to people's problems.
I don't understand: why life is hard. I wish it was all just a happy horse ride.
I can usually be found: on the couch, scratching myself
I need: to get a flippin life
I forget: that I've been blessed with so much already.
I am happy: as long as I'm in good company

I don't have friends to tag, so if you somehow come by my page, feel free to do this as well, you know you want to.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

YAY SCHMAM!! you win!