Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wet N Wild-Cadens Day Out

Sleepy time

Cracking up cause Phil was trying to breast feed Caden
Phil's big fist covering babys face

Everyone just relaxing

One of the Wet n Wild rides

On Friday we bought some annual passes to Wet n Wild so we wouldn't have to wait in line to get them on the busy Saturday. After hearing the great news that Dayna went into labor, we decided to go to Wet n Wild, seeing as it was hot as the days. It was quite a fuss to get Caden all ready to go, but once he was ready we left to hit the pools. We caught up with the Erueti's and started exploring the place. It was nice to be able to get outside with the family and enjoy some sun and water. We left the park as the sun was going down and the weather got really bad. It started raining like crazy, and then lightning was striking pretty close to Parkinson. But all is well.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Surfers Pardise

On Friday me and Phil went to work at 8 o'clock. By the time we get down to Gold Coast our boss calls us to say there is no work for us to do so we had the day off. Jared and I decided to go down to Gold Coast for the day and just check out the city life. We went to Runcorn Station and found out we didn't know where we were going. So we found a map and planned our trip down there. Come to find out that the machine doesn't give back change and all we had were 50 dollar notes. So we run across the street to some random Chinese Medicine shop, and as soon as we enter we smell atleast 50 illegal substances. We ask the guy to break down our change and he pulls out his wallet and gives us the money. We left that store feeling a little "happier" than when we entered. We jumped on the train from Runcorn to Beenleigh. Switched over to catch the train down to Robina. There was this weird guy on the train who had a Irish accent and said he was from California. He asked us what station to get off at so he could catch the train to Surfers and go pick up chicks. We told him we didn't know, and he jumps off at this random station out in the middle of nowhere. We tell him that it was the wrong station to get off at, and he just said, "oh, it's all right." and just stayed at that station only to find out there were no buses coming, but to wait for the train to come back and get him. After two hours on trains, we caught a bus to Surfers. We spent the day looking at the houses on the rivers, and had a great time. Caught the last bus to Robina, and then caught the last train to Runcorn. Some drunk Tongan and his boys came up to Jared and I on the train, and we started talking to him. He was an inactive fella who left church when the ward split. So we talked to him and gave him the missionary talks, and hopefully he'll go back to church. Dayna told me I had to keep this thing updated because I keep forgetting I have one. Sorry!!!